Seeking Recovery for Rideshare Drivers

June 19, 2020 | David Abels
Seeking Recovery for Rideshare Drivers Passengers are not the only people who can get injured in ridesharing accidents. Our Chicago rideshare accident lawyers often represent Uber and Lyft drivers that sustain injuries due to the negligence of other motorists. Rideshare drivers may find themselves involved in, and injured from, accidents and incidents behind the wheel. Physical injuries can lead to significant medical and economic consequences for rideshare drivers, particularly when the injuries keep them away from work and unable to earn fares. Property damage, typically to a vehicle, can put a driver out of work for the immediate future. Modern vehicles are becoming harder and far more expensive to repair. Rideshare drivers have the same rights to the road as any other motorist. Unfortunately, pursuing compensation from an at-fault driver, a large insurance corporation, or a multi-billion dollar rideshare company is rarely a simple task for anyone, including a rideshare driver. When a rideshare driver is injured or suffers property damage on the job, they deserve to have someone in their corner. This is where the trusted car accident lawyers at Abels & Annes come in.

Drivers’ Rights to Compensation

Drivers for a rideshare service have a right to receive compensation for injuries they sustain in the course of their work, including:
  • The costs of medical care necessary to treat an injury, from emergency medical care through long-term therapy.
  • The economic impact of wages lost because an injury prevented the driver from returning to work, and of future economic opportunities the injury forced the driver to forego.
  • The expenses associated with services the driver needs to retain to manage day-to-day life while recovering from or living with an injury, such as childcare or keeping house.
  • The non-economic impact of an injury, such as the physical pain and emotional suffering it causes, and its detrimental effects on a driver’s quality of life and close, personal relationships.
At Abels & Annes, we believe hard-working rideshare drivers deserve this compensation. Rideshare drivers are skilled professionals, and an essential aspect of modern transportation—they deserve the same protections as any other motorist, particularly when providing a service to others. We can help drivers recover the compensation they deserve no matter if it requires chasing down insurance coverage, taking legal action against a rideshare company, or suing an at-fault party. If you’re on your way to pick up a rider or carrying one in your vehicle, Uber covers you with a $1 million policy—more than the personal policies that most Uber drivers or other motorists carry. Unfortunately, Uber’s insurance company is no more likely to offer an adequate settlement on a valid claim than any other insurance company. That’s where the Uber accident lawyers at Abels & Annes come in.

Our Chicago Uber Accident Lawyers Can Help Uber Drivers, Too

The Chicago legal team at Abels & Annes can help you obtain the money you deserve after sustaining an injury as a rideshare driver. We are prepared to analyze your unique situation and to explore all paths available to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Depending on the circumstances of your case, our assistance can include:
  • Review of police reports;
  • Investigation of the accident scene;
  • Input from experts when required;
  • Consultation with witnesses;
  • Analysis of recovery options under all insurance policies and against all potentially liable parties;
  • Obtaining medical records and bills;
  • Preparing a settlement demand package and negotiating with the insurance carrier(s);
  • Negotiating and reducing medical bills;
  • Pursuit of an appropriate legal strategy, whether in or out of court.
Rideshare drivers are quickly becoming an essential aspect of our economy, and millions of Americans rely on rideshare drivers to get them where they need to be, whether for work or for pleasure. Accordingly, rideshare drivers should have an ally when the unexpected happens, even if that means going up against a large insurer or rideshare company to ensure you are made whole under the law. Contact Abels & Annes to protect your rights as a rideshare driver and to pursue the compensation you deserve.
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David Abels


David Abels has carved a niche for himself in the personal injury law sector, dedicating a substantial part of his career since 1997 to representing victims of various accidents. With a law practice that spans over two decades, his expertise has been consistently recognized within the legal community.

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