Personal Injuries That Can Require Surgery

November 9, 2017 | David Abels
Personal Injuries That Can Require Surgery Suffering an injury is never easy, and suffering an injury that was caused by someone else’s negligence can be especially traumatic. If that injury led to surgery, it can be more devastating still. If you were injured and had to endure surgery, you understand how far-reaching the effects of that injury and recovery can be. Now is not the time to take matters into your own hands—you need a Chicago personal injury attorney to help obtain the compensation to which you are entitled.

Injuries Requiring Surgery

If you’ve suffered a serious injury, you know how costly—in terms of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and ongoing costs—that can be. Except for fatal injuries, injuries that require extensive surgeries and long-term aftercare are the most expensive personal injuries, several of which commonly require surgery: Knee Injuries – Knee injuries from car accidents are common, and especially severe in head-on collisions. When the car’s front end comes crashing into the front seats, anyone in its way can suffer serious knee injuries. Because the knee joint is extremely complex, it can be damaged in many ways that often require exacting surgeries, including knee replacements. Knee surgeries are usually followed by months or even years of painful and expensive physical therapy. Back or Spinal Cord Injuries – Spinal cord injuries are often caused by significant force, such as in car accidents or slip and fall accidents. When your discs or vertebrae are forced out of place by the power of impact, a herniated or bulging disc can necessitate reparative surgery, ongoing physical therapy, and injections. In some severe instances, back injuries can require emergency surgery to avoid paralysis. Spinal cord injuries can be extremely serious and are often physically, emotionally, and financially devastating. Brain Injuries – Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are not uncommon in car crashes, slip and fall accidents, and sports injuries. These injuries can vary from mild to life-threatening, but they can also go initially undetected. Your brain is protected by your skull, and a forceful accident, such as a car accident or severe fall, can cause your brain to smash against its protective covering. In severe cases, these accidents can require life-saving surgery. The brain is the body’s command center, and when it’s injured, the consequences can be extremely dire and unpredictable. Such injuries typically affect both the victim and the victim’s entire support system, including family and friends. Because they can lead to serious changes in a victim’s personality and emotional stability, brain injuries can be physically, emotionally, and financially devastating. Broken Bones and Fractures – Broken and fractured bones are common in accidents involving cars, sports, and slips and falls. Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery process for broken bones can vary broadly—but surgery is often required. Internal Injuries – Accidents that involve significant impact can cause internal injuries, including internal bleeding, punctured organs, and crushed lungs. Internal injuries often call for surgery, and the scope of the surgery and the recovery process depends upon the severity of the injury.

Surgical Treatment

Surgeries are invasive and dangerous, always involve a certain amount of risk, include significant recovery periods, and are expensive. The financial cost of your surgery, however, is only the beginning. Many surgeries lead to postoperative expenses, long-term therapeutic treatment, ongoing medical treatment, adaptive recovery devices, and much more. If you’ve sustained an injury in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, calculating your overall damages is complicated, and should never be left to chance. You deserve to be justly compensated, and you need an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney.

Your Personal Injury Claim

If you were injured in an accident caused by another’s negligence, first seek immediate medical attention, then retain skilled legal counsel. If your injury necessitates surgery, you’re naturally overwhelmed, but you don’t have to face this difficult situation alone. Your rights and your claim matter, and your personal injury lawyer will help guide your case toward its best possible resolution. Every accident is unique, so each accident’s damages are unique. Some accidents lead to surgeries, which often include lengthy recovery periods and ongoing expenses and damages. If your personal injury claim incorporates some of these complications, your legal compensation should adequately address these issues—along with those of pain and suffering, diminished quality of life, and loss of wages. The injuries you’ve suffered are real and should never be minimized.

Your Claim and the Insurance Company

It’s important to remember that insurance companies are in the business of reducing their payouts. Never settle for an insurance company’s initial offer without first consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney. Suffering an injury that requires surgery is traumatic, and insurance companies understand that you’re vulnerable and may be eager to move past the rigmarole and get on with your life. Don’t take the bait—your case and your just compensation matter too much.

If You’ve Suffered an Injury That Required Surgery, Call a Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer as Soon as Possible

Accidents happen, but if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you understand how difficult that can be. If the accident led to an injury that required surgery, it is that much more difficult. But you don’t have to go through this alone—the Chicago personal injury lawyers at the law firm of Abels & Annes understand your dilemma and are here to help. We have the knowledge, dedication, and compassion to defend your claim and fight for the compensation to which you are entitled. If someone else’s negligence injured you or a loved one, please don’t hesitate to contact or call our office at (312) 924-7575 for a free consultation today.
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David Abels


David Abels has carved a niche for himself in the personal injury law sector, dedicating a substantial part of his career since 1997 to representing victims of various accidents. With a law practice that spans over two decades, his expertise has been consistently recognized within the legal community.

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