Back and neck injuries tend to be common following an accident and can range in severity from mild to severe. The design of the human body makes the back a sensitive area that can be easily injured, especially when facing extreme forces. Jerking, twisting, bending, rotating can also lead to injuries to the back and neck with many of these movements becoming the basis for a work place injury. Below our experienced Phoenix personal injury attorneys discuss your recovery options and legal compensation after suffering a back and/or neck injury due to someone's negligence.
Common Types of Neck and Back Injuries

A back or neck injury may actually be a more specific type of damage. Some of these injuries are muscle sprains and strains which tend to be minor but can leave a victim in significant pain and discomfort while the injury heals. Other times, these injuries might deal with a fractured vertebra, or bone that makes up the spinal column. These injuries can be severe as a fractured vertebra can damage the spinal cord, potentially causing paralysis or other loss of nerve function.
Herniated, Bulging, or Protruding Disks
Another common injury to a back or neck involves the discs between the vertebrae along the spinal column. Following an accident, these discs may be herniated, bulging or protruding, which means they extend beyond the normal bounds of the disc to occupy other space. Some injured discs impinge or press upon the spinal cord which can lead to numbness, tingling, or a loss of movement in certain areas of the body, most commonly the arms and legs. Some accident victims experience pain, discomfort, and numbness in their arms and/or legs and believe the injury to be to that part of the body, but often, these conditions can be traced to the neck or back. This is due to the important and yet sensitive nature of the spinal cord that runs from the brain to the base of the lower back, separated from the rest of the body by the protection of the vertebral bones. When a disc protrudes from its normal position, the disc may push against the nerves in the spinal cord, causing a loss of sensation in the area of the body controlled by those individual nerves. When the problem disc is found in the neck, the resulting pain and numbness tend to be located in the arms. Similarly, when the problem disc is found in the lower back, a victim is likely to experience symptoms in his or her legs and feet.
Herniated discs are most common in the lumbar spine, also called the lower back, but they can occur anywhere along the spinal column. Many accident victims also suffer herniated discs in their cervical spine, or neck area, especially after a car accident. The forces involved in a rear-end car collision make the neck particularly susceptible to a disc injury. The final part of the spine that may experience herniated discs is the thoracic spine, or that part that makes up the upper back and connects the neck to the lower back. Injuries to this part of the spine are less common than those to other areas but they can be much more painful and much more difficult to treat.
Contact our office for a free consultation if you are suffering from a spine related injury and need compensation for your injuries. Contact Abels & Annes online or call (855) 749-5299.
What should You Do For Your Spine Injury?
Treatment and diagnosis for a back or neck injury usually begins with imaging studies, including x-rays, an MRI, or a CT scan. Once a diagnosis is made, doctors may order physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, steroid injections, or surgical repair, including fusions. These injuries may take months or years to heal and unfortunately, some accident victims will continue to suffer the effects for the rest of their lives.
The back and neck are sensitive areas to injure and should be treated with caution. Failing to properly address an injury in the back or neck may lead to further damage or to turning a temporary condition into one that is permanent. This means that if a doctor or physician fails to properly diagnose a back or neck injury or orders a course of treatment in contradiction to the injury itself, the doctor may make things worse and may be the cause of any aggravation of the original injury.
Contact a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Phoenix Today

When an accident leaves you injured, it is important to have someone on your side to fight for your interests and your legal rights. That is where the legal team at Abels & Annes, P.C. can help. We have the experience and the skills necessary to help you bring a civil claim for your damages after an accident which may include any medical bills you incurred and any wages you were unable to earn due to your injury. We believe that those who have been hurt by the negligence of another deserve a free consultation and we have a lawyer standing by 24 hours a day to take your call toll free at (855) 749-5299 or locally at (602) 819-5191.
At Abels & Annes, P.C., there is no obligation associated with our free case consultation and everything discussed will be kept confidential. Further, we advance all case-related expenses and we never charge our clients a fee unless we make a recovery in their case.
If you have been injured, do not let yourself continue to suffer from an accident. Call us today and let us help you get a recovery you deserve.
If you have suffered an injury to your back or neck, call us today at (855) 749-5299 or Contact Us online for a free case consultation.
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714 E Rose Ln
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Toll Free: (855) 749-5299
Local: (602) 819-5191
Fax: (602) 819-4841