Common Causes of Burn Injuries
Burn injuries can happen at a moment’s notice. Often, all it takes is bad luck or being at the wrong place at the wrong time. You might suffer a scald from a hot drink from one of the many coffee shops around Phoenix, suffer an electrical burn near one of the many development construction sites around the city, or get into a truck crash on I-17 that ends in a fire. Regardless of how your injury happened, if someone else was to blame for your injuries, they must pay for your damages. Here are some common causes of burn injuries:- Car accidents - Depending on where the collision happened, the gas tank or engine can ignite, injuring drivers and their passengers when they cannot escape the car in time. You will need to establish fault for the injury. Some cases may be against the car manufacturer, while others can be against the driver who caused the accident.
- Chemical burns - These happen when people contact dangerous and corrosive substances. Chemical burns can happen in motor vehicle accidents or premises liability cases. These are substances that people should never touch or contact and should always be out of reach.
- Electrocutions - People can suffer electrical injuries when they contact a power source. This can happen with an appliance in their own home or outside power lines. A property owner can leave electrical wires exposed. Electrocution can cause severe burns.
- Apartment or house fires - Tenants can suffer injuries in a fire that started elsewhere in the building, either because of improper maintenance or another homeowner’s carelessness. Residents who live in townhomes or row houses can sustain injuries and suffer property damages when a fire starts in an adjoining home.
- Scalding - These injuries happen due to water or steam. All it takes is two to three seconds of burning water in contact with the skin to cause severe injuries.
Treatment for Severe Burn Injuries
Burn injuries are about much more than damage to the skin. Of course, they will require immediate and long-term treatment for the victim to recover as much as possible. In the short term, burn injury victims may need the following care:- Initial stabilization - the hours after a burn injury are the most critical because that is when the victim’s life can be the most endangered. The immediate risk is that the victim can suffer from organ failure or shock. After that, the highest risk is that the burn will become infected, and the patient will go into septic shock. Patients can also experience respiratory distress in the aftermath of a burn injury.
- Pain control - Once the initial shock subsides, the burn victim will experience intense pain. Not only will doctors need to manage the physical pain with pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical measures, but they will also need to manage the patient’s anxiety.
- Infection control - Burn victims will experience immunological dysfunction. Combined with a burn that can reach deep below the skin, this presents a high risk for infection. Patients may need intensive antibiotics or antimicrobial therapy.
Treatment After the Burn Victim Stabilizes
Once the patient stabilizes, doctors may think about their long-term prognosis and measures to help begin the healing process. Depending on the severity of the burn, patients may need surgical procedures. Doctors can perform plastic surgery to improve the appearance of the skin and flexibility. They may also perform multiple skin grafts to replace the burned area.Abels & Annes, P.C. Gets Results
Recovering Compensation for Serious Burns
The legal test used is the same in any burn injury case, no matter how it happened (except for some product liability cases). As the plaintiff, you must prove that the defendant was negligent. You see this same four-part test in any personal injury case:- The defendant owed the plaintiff the duty of care.
- The defendant breached the duty of care by doing something (or not doing something) that a reasonable person would not have done.
- You suffered an injury.
- The defendant was the proximate cause of your injuries.
Costs of Burn Injuries

Damages That You Can Receive for a Burn Injury
Medical costs are just a fraction of the total costs associated with a severe burn injury. These are among the more painful injuries possible. The accident victim can be in excruciating pain for years. Therefore, the non-economic costs of burn injuries can be high. Here are several elements of non-economic costs that can lead to even more substantial compensation for an accident victim:- Pain and suffering - including the anxiety and depression that an accident victim deals with. This is in addition to the physical pain.
- Disfigurement and scarring - accidents victims can receive compensation for permanent injuries that will not heal
- Embarrassment from the effects of the injury
- Emotional distress - the actual injury itself may have caused trauma because the accident victim is fully conscious and aware that the injury is happening
Why Burn Settlements and Awards Can Be High
Many people fail to understand the severity of burn injuries. Even a one-time accident of spilling scalding hot coffee in your lap can leave you with critical injuries. Take, for example, the 1992 case of a woman who was awarded $3 million for spilling burning hot McDonald’s coffee in her lap. Some people used that case to criticize what they called an out-of-control personal injury system. What really happened?- The plaintiff suffered second and third-degree burns on 16 percent of her body
- She went into shock from her burn injuries
- She was in the hospital for over one week
- She underwent numerous skin grafts
- The plaintiff suffered permanent scarring and disfigurement
- McDonald’s offered a paltry settlement for serious injuries that resulted from something that they purposefully did
Contact a Phoenix Burn Injury Attorney

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